This week, the Polished Mane Team discusses motivational tips on perfecting your craft. We will discuss why focusing on doing things with integrity and intention are what will bring you long-term success as a stylist specializing in hair extensions.
This industry takes integrity and intention.
Do you know the importance of intention and integrity of the services that you perform as a hair extension artist? The work that you do isn’t just about doing a service and making money off that appointment, it’s about the confidence your guest will have in your vision and allowing them to see the beauty within themselves. That is what will make you successful. In this blog post, we will discuss why focusing on doing things with integrity and intention is what will bring long-term success as a stylist specializing in hair extensions.
Elevate your hair extension business: When you work with integrity, it shows in the results.
By taking a focused and intentional approach to your work behind the chair, you will reap the benefits. Firstly, it will be reflected in you because your client will see the effort that you put into making sure their hair extensions are done right. Secondly, they will come back time and time again because they know that you are working with intention during their service. It takes more than skill to deliver the best results; it takes integrity and attention to detail. For example, take the two most intricate parts of the hair extension install, without intention the beadwork could cause hair loss and unintentional stitching could cause pain to the client's scalp. Integrity doesn't have any shortcuts; if done right, mastering hair extensions will take effort and intentional thought - but trust us when we say that your efforts are well worth the outcome!
Why Intention is the Key to Success for Hair Extension Specialists
Living with intention is a balancing act between being aware of our wants and needs as a stylist while remaining open to the needs of those in our chair. It's about living each day with purpose and understanding that the choices we make will impact our clients directly. Working with intention and integrity is about taking a stand for what matters and doing work that makes you proud, regardless of what other people think. There's always going to be a new and improved method, but you do you and do what's best for the specific client that is in your chair. Don't fall into the one method that fits all clients. You're closing your mind off to other options out there that will make you grow as a stylist and may be better for a specific client. When we make decisions from an empowered space, our actions have the power to create real change in ourselves and our clients.
Living with intention also means taking the time to reflect on our own beliefs and values. Inside and outside the salon. By adopting this positive attitude, we can share our infectious energy with those in and out of our salon environment; it will become embedded within how we manage all relationships. Not only do we reap the rewards of being intentional but so does the community around us. This is why it’s so important to live a life of integrity – When we are mindful and intentional in our words and actions, something truly remarkable transpires: We can look beyond ourselves to positively impact those who have put their faith and finances in us.
At Polished Mane, we believe that Hair Extension Stylists have the unique ability to make a difference in the lives of their clients but also have an obligation to stay true to their authentic self.
RaChelle and The Polished Mane Team